Tuesday, December 21, 2010

What Is Covered In Each Salsa Class? Good Question...

Salsa 1: Beginners
1st week: You learn 3 steps: Traditional, Basic Step & Basic (Right) Turn. Just focusing on footwork.

2nd week: You learn 2 more steps: CBL (Crossbody Lead) & Counter Clockwise Turn. Once again, focusing on footwork.

3rd week: We work how to lead the 5 steps that you learn the last 2 weeks.

4th week: Drills & evaluation to see if you are ready for Salsa 2: Basic / Intermediate.

Salsa 2: Basic / Intermediate
Warm up over the fundamental. Keyword warm-up.

Base on the groups warm-up SalsaEddy starts his combo for the month.
You will learn during the 1st two weeks CBL w/ an outside & inside turn.
Also, you will learn a Copa & Copa Crossover (sometimes a Salsa Walk).

SalsaEddy focus on the guys on three things...
1) Their timing. Because it goes hand in hand with 2) his lead. Base on that it builds confidence in 3) memorizing their moves or combo.

SalsaEddy focus on the ladies on three things too...
1) Following. By following they will be able to focus on they leads 2) timing. By understanding the leads flow then, the lady can relax & play with their 3) styling. In which, SalsaEddy will incorporate but, the ladies choice to learn it or not.

After four weeks you will be evaluated if you confidently know exactly what you need to do as a lead or as a follower. That's the key to become a good dancer. Also, know the foundation that consist of 95% of Salsa dancing from the waist down.

Knowing that you move on to Salsa 3: Intermediate / Advance.

Salsa 3: Intermediate / Advance
Warm up over the fundamental. Keyword warm-up.

Base on the groups warm-up SalsaEddy starts his combo for the month.

Here you will learn styling, musicality, footwork, etc., in this class. Here is where we see you polish up or slack on your style.

Music will be played in all tempos to see your confidence are in the following...

Men - Timing, Lead & Memory. Adding Style, Musicality & Footwork.

Ladies - Timing, Following & Styling. Adding Spins or Turns, Musicality & Footwork.

All of these classes are fun, if you practice. Don't practice it can be the opposite.

I enjoy having you in class & watch your progress. If you have any questions feel free & ask.


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